updated on 16th May 2022
Every year, I will participate in this Young Trailblazers competition (YTB) organised by Prudential, and every year, the program gets more and more meaningful. I felt that it is not just a competition, it impart a principle of not giving up in the journey of innovation.
The organising company ACORN, has such a meaningful motto. "Everything starts with a seed". How true is that, our life vision and purpose is from the seed that someone in our lives has imparted to us during our journey of growing. And with this platform, we have a chance to impart this to others:

The judges and organisers

The Chief Judge

Behind the scene

Word of Wisdom from each judges

Chief Judge Encouragement to the team
Everyone is a winner, while not every one has an award. Innovation is not just about ideas, but the tenacity to carry it through to an outcome.
I hope that:
In their principles and vision - be immovable. Continue to press in, don't give up
In their ideas and concepts - be flexible. Need to constantly pivot and learn
In all things, - be teachable - Don't be stubborn or proud. Be a good student.