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4th UN-Singapore Cyber Fellowship (UNSCF)

The ASEAN-Singapore Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence welcomed 23 Fellows from UN Member States to the 4th UN-Singapore Cyber Fellowship (UNSCF) this week. The Fellowship is jointly organised by CSA in partnership with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and the NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE).


At the opening ceremony, Mr Kuan Seah CHUA, Deputy Chief Executive of CSA, highlighted the importance of the UNSCF in building a network of international cyber leaders to work together to address the transboundary cyber threats.


Fellows had the opportunity to engage with Singapore government agencies, private sector, and academia, exchanging perspectives and best practices for collaborative responses to cyber threats. A range of topics spanning the operational, technical, policy and diplomatic domains such as incident response, critical information infrastructure protection, emerging technologies and the cyber stability framework were also discussed. Classroom learning was complemented with site visits to NUS-NCS Joint Laboratory for Cyber SecurityiTrust SUTD and Nanyang Technological University Singapore's National Integrated Centre for Evaluation. The week concluded with a table-top exercise to apply what they have learnt throughout the week.


CyberXCenter CEO lead the Table Top Exercise, and sharing with them the danger of cyber threats that could pose to our Critical Infrastructure, and the measures that is taken to protect it.



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